The SMART Adult Education project aims to respond to some of the priorities of the Erasmus+ program in adult education. An essential key to foster the social and work inclusion of low-skilled adults is to constantly strengthen and update the professional skills of educators, an essential requirement to facilitate of transmission of alphabetic, mathematical, digital and transversal skills of adults themselves. Professional skills require heterogeneous and innovative tools and methodologies that range from the possibility of developing personalized learning strategies, to the possibility of helping adults to evaluate the skills aquired during their lifetime, identifying any training needs in relation to life goals, co-planning with adults possible strategies to acquire and/or develop further skills and knowledges and redesign themselves.


The project aims to provide educators with digital tools, open source teaching resources, innovative learning methodologies and set of digital assessment tools that facilitate their task in involving of target of adults most at risk of social exclusion.

The project has developed three original Intellectual Outputs: the WEB S.A.E. App, the Guide to using the WEB S.A.E App and the E-Assessment Toolkit S.A.E. (containing assessment and self-assessment tools). The WEB S.A.E. App will be accessible from all personal digital devices and in particular from the smartphone.

These digital tools allow educators:

  • to strengthen the effectiveness of their training
  • to create engaging and creative training proposals
  • to exchange knowledge and know-how with other educators at national and European level
  • to evaluate the basic and soft skills of adults with low or low-skilled skills, helping them to plan life paths that improve their social and work inclusion levels.


Cross media Platform, Guidelines on the use of the Platform and examples of materials and tools produced

Learning Toolkit

Assessment Toolkit : assessment and self-assessment tools to measure the skills possessed by adults (linguistic, mathematical, digital and transversal) and any changes that have occurred following the realization of targeted learning paths.


  • Improvement of skills, in relation to their professional profiles.
  • Better understanding of the interconnections between formal and non-formal education, vocational training and other forms of learning.
  • Improvement of professional development opportunities.
  • Improving motivation and satisfaction in daily work and networking at European level.