ICT and didactic and training planning

Main idea

Digital technologies change the methods of approach to “cognitive work” as they change the connective tissue on which the current organization of social and individual knowledge is built: these profound socio-technological cultural transformations affect the training processes, which are in clear close correlation with a new cognitive construction, more appropriate to the contemporary global development system of interactive information and, therefore, to new ways of building knowledge.

Main objectives

Develop life long learning paths characterized by the use of new technologies.

How is it used? (environment, target groups, premises, facilities, etc)

The support of new information and communication technologies has given a new meaning to the “continuing education” model, characterized by a close relationship between lifelong learning and the use of resources made available by new technologies.
This transformation is particularly functional for the recovery of missing subjects, expelled or never entered into the education system, through the use of other places and other training contexts possibly more congenial to them (digital spaces).

When, where and by whom was it created?

Fernando Sarracino, Associate Professor of “Didactics and special pedagogy” (M-PED / 03). He currently teaches:
Multimedia teaching, Theories and methods of programming and school evaluation, Digital Citizenship Education and is the owner of the Laboratory “Il Giornale in Ateneo”.