Constructivist didactic approach

Main idea

The constructivist didactic approach seems to be the most suitable to offer solutions to manage the systemic nature of scholastic learning: complex process, which sees a reciprocal and dynamic, interaction between factors of various kinds (cognitive, emotional-affective, socio-cultural, organizational, educational, etc.).

Main objectives

The goal is to create “learning communities”, leaving the student plenty of room for freedom of expression and self-determination, but within a framework / scaffolding well defined and strongly structured, especially with regard to the behavioral and social regulatory framework.

How is it used? (environment, target groups, premises, facilities, etc)

It proposes, in fact, to the teachers to abandon the traditional frontal lesson, to become designers, builders and directors of “learning environments”: inclusive; guidance and never directive; rich in experiences, tools and significant materials in a “physical” or “virtual” environment

When, where and by whom was it created?

George A. Kelly, ‘The Psychology of Personal Constructs’, 1955


  • Calvani, 1998; Varani, 2002; Varisco, 2002.
  • Reference
  • Cacciamani, S., (2003). Riflessione metacognitiva e comunità di apprendimento on line. In O. Albanese . Percorsi metacognitivi. Milano: Franco Angeli, pp. 199-214.
  • Bonaiuti, G. (Ed.). (2006). E-learning 2.0: il futuro dell’apprendimento in rete, tra formale e informale (Vol. 6). Edizioni Erickson.
  • Calvani, A. (1998). Costruttivismo, progettazione didattica e tecnologie. Progettazione formativa e valutazione. Roma: Carocci, 43-58.
  • Calvani, A. (2000). L’impatto dei nuovi media nella scuola.