DEMOCRATIC COMPETENCE is the ability to mobilise and deploy relevant psychological resources (i.e. values, attitudes, skills, knowledge and/or understanding) in order to respond appropriately and effectively to the demands, challenges and opportunities presented by situations in which collective decision-making is required. Likewise, intercultural competence is the ability to mobilise and deploy relevant psychological resources in order to respond appropriately and effectively to the demands, challenges and opportunities presented when dealing with those who have different cultural backgrounds from our own. In the case of citizens who live within culturally diverse democratic societies, intercultural competence is an integral aspect of democratic competence. AVAILABILITY OF INTERPERSONAL RELATIONSHIPS implies the desire to understand others; it is the ability to listen carefully and to understand and respond to the feelings and concerns of others even if not expressed or partially expressed. Interpersonal sensitivity is at the basis of communication skills and it is manifested through understanding the causes of attitudes and behavior patterns or the problems of others and therefore through the ability to respond adequately.

The Tools that Stood Out


Digital Storytelling (DST) refers to a short form of digital film-making that allows participants to share aspects of their life story originating a digital narration on personal, social, intercultural and intergenerational topics. It is a new practice of ordinary people who use digital tools to tell their personal ‘story’ (digital narratives), often producing a in compelling and emotionally engaging formats.


The tool is useful to motivate people participating in educational community; to express their cultural point of view; to empower multicultural/intergenerational dialogue trough a creative procedure able to increase the visibility of each kind of people. The IT tool to support individuals to regain a sense of belonging and to built up their cultural identity telling their stories.


Coursera is an online university training platform that allows you to follow over 2700 types of courses offered by more than 150 universities around the world. Coursera’s training offer is really wide and includes many disciplines from Economics to Engineering, in addition to Mathematics and Social Sciences. There is no lack of masters and specialization courses in the educational offer. The courses include video lessons, teaching material and online exercises, discussion forums. The courses that can also be followed for free via PC or through apps suitable for smartphones and tablets.