Short Description

The idea is to help people to tell better stories online using photos. With PhotoPeach you can create a rich slideshow in seconds to engage your friends or family. We also support background music, captions, and comments so you can elaborate on your story further. You have heard again and again: “A picture is worth a thousand words”, but what if you could add a thousand words to your photos, and some music? We think the whole slideshow is greater than the sum of the photos, words, and music.

Target Groups

General public

Methodological Approch


Technical Approach

Interactive Media

Certification, Validation Process


Role of Instructor

No need for instructor

Level of Digital Competence Needed





Active Involvement

You can, at all times, take a look at “Why” we approach adult education through Digital Learning, and “What” are the SAE proposals without following any of the proposals above, by clicking below:


The SAE Proposals


Theories on Digital Education